Prickly is most likely the first thing that comes to mind when you think of wool. The scratchiness of a wool sweater, scarf or blanket was enough to send my body into convulsions. For years I steered clear of any material containing the smallest amount of wool knowing full well that a slight itch could cause a sweater to be ripped off, possibly in public view. Indecent exposure is not something I would like to add to my “been there, done that” list.


So what does this have to do with wool mattresses?

Well, it came time for our family to purchase new mattresses and because of my love of nature friendly products, I wanted a non-toxic, quality mattress that I could feel good about.

During my research, I stumbled upon the concept of wool bedding. Although new to me, this is far from a new idea as people have been sleeping among wool for centuries. And for good reason too.

Here are some benefits listed on the website:

*Helps relieve back pain, arthritis pain, and painful pressure points

*Biodegradable and healthy for the planet

*Completely breathable

*Warms without overheating, never clammy

*Naturally flame resistant and safe for kids

*Naturally hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant

The more I read about wool bedding (including pillows, comforters, blankets, mattresses), the more intrigued I became. I read countless reviews from across the continent and I even made a phone call to a lady I’ve never met to ask her about her experience with the wool products she had purchased. Once again, another believer.


Ok, now I really had to try them. How could I not? I would never know fully if we didn’t risk it ourselves.


Ordering date to arrival date was approx. 4-6 weeks and boy I waited with joyful anticipation! The house we are renting is mostly furnished so for my husband and myself began with a wool comforter. We ordered ours from a 100% Canadian company called

He’s usually warm at night and I’m more often cold, however we were both comfortable. My favourite things about the comforter are how soft and snuggly it is, the natural unbleached creamy colour, and the weight of it on my body. I like the heaviness of the wool, but I don’t find it bulky at all.

We loved our blanket so much that we put in another order for a very vibrant coloured blanket for our son. A thinner style, similar to a throw, but beautifully warm and generously sized for wrapping up in for sleeping or movie night!

From here, we jumped in all the way and purchased a wool mattress topper with protective cover for our queen sized bed and 2 single wool mattresses with protective covers for our children. Remember, these thick wooly mattresses contain nothing but pure WOOL. You will not find springs, foam, glue or questionable material in these baby mammoths. They are handmade wooly wonders!

A wool mattress needs good air circulation so its best for them to rest on a slatted wood bed frame. These can be purchased, however my husband is a wood worker so we opted to build them ourselves.


The mattresses arrived in perfect condition rolled and well wrapped in thick plastic.

The protective covers were carefully boxed and all the products smelled like freshly bathed sheep! I couldn’t wait to snuggle in for the night!



This is the single mattress. It takes about a day or so for it to relax completely after being rolled for shipping.


We have been snuggling and sleeping surrounded by wool for over 2 years now. It is a joy to climb into bed at night with all the softness and warmth, and also knowing that we are not breathing anything harmful from our bedding. This was very important for us and for our children. We usually tuck our boys in at night with songs or stories or chit chat from the days events and its so very comfy I end up falling asleep myself!

We are more than pleased with our beautiful baa-ding. Please visit the websites of these amazing companies for more knowledge and educate yourself or perhaps re-educate yourself on the wonderfulness of wool.

Cynthia Fehr

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