You wake up. your kid explodes.You escalate.
Every. Single. Day.
Your child has MONSTER meltdowns with no end in sight…it feels like you ‘lose’ them…spiraling into violent tornado’s, throwing whatever they get their hands on.
If their routine changes in the slightest they collapse in a heap of refusal OR turn on you in a fury of kicking, screaming, spitting, biting…you know the drill.
You’ve begun to fear what’s going to happen when they get older and stronger!
The teacher looks at you sideways when you tell her how intense it is at home before and after school. “He’s does so good in school. I never see this” Or “She has lots of friends and gets along with everyone.”
The heaviness of helplessness and guilt compounds.
here’s where the
becomes possible!
You will no longer be scrambling in the maze of meltdowns…CALM is on it’s way!
Stress and anxiety will take a hike (never liked them anyway 😉
You will no longer fear the future…you will have a hope and a plan instead!
Experience more peace in your home by learning unique strategies to rework the triggers that cause tension for you, your child and your family (we want to help marriages and sibling relationships thrive too!)
Be equipped with trusted tools and ideas that you can use anywhere, anytime with CONFIDENCE.
Have better days, better sleep, better CONNECTION!
I’m cynthia fehr…a peaceful parenting Advocate for you!
My mission is to give you the mentoring and partnership to end the frustration, guilt and struggles with your child. I am here to help you enjoy your spouse, parenting and child for perhaps the first time in your life! (And I know what that feels like:)
I know the inner turmoil that these chaotic -type behaviors create and the desperation you might feel about your future. I am ready to help co-create a peace-filled parenting map and be your guide on a new journey of love, kindness and connection.
You will learn to move up and out of the chaos as you and I venture together and what you may discover on the way is that your challenging child has really been exactly what will help you to become the powerful leader you were meant to be!